Michael Asher Foundation
453 South Spring Street, Suite 901
Los Angeles, CA 90013
Questions regarding publication permissions, archives, research, and potential donations of papers related to Michael Asher can be sent to
Rights & Reproductions
Images of Michael Asher’s Work and/or Images of Materials from the Michael Asher Archive:
Michael Asher Foundation owns the copyrights in Michael Asher’s artworks, statements, and writings. To request permission to reproduce images of Michael Asher’s artworks or to publish writings by Michael Asher in print, electronically or in any other existing media, please contact the Foundation.
Please note that if permission for reproduction is granted, the requested image(s) must not be cropped, retouched, bled off the page, guttered across facing pages, altered in color or printed on color stock, or have any text or image superimposed on the image unless approved in writing by Michael Asher Foundation.
All proposed uses of the image(s) are subject to the Foundation’s advance review and approval. The proof pages of the final layout where images, captions and credits appear must be submitted for approval to Michael Asher Foundation prior to production. The same restrictions apply if a third party provides the image. The Foundation expects at least thirty (30) days advance delivery of mock-ups, proofs, or other materials submitted for the Foundation’s review and approval, and the Foundation will exercise reasonable efforts to respond promptly.
The full caption and credit line exactly as supplied by Michael Asher Foundation must appear in immediate proximity to the image(s), or, as approved by the Foundation, in the section devoted to photographic credits. No abbreviations or alternatives are permitted.
All relevant text pertaining to Michael Asher and his work must be submitted at the time of your request for factchecking purposes.
Quotations and Texts by Michael Asher:
Previously published materials one paragraph or less should be cited in accordance with scholarly norms.
To reprint extended excerpts, or to publish quotations and texts from materials in the Michael Asher Archive, written permission must be obtained from Michael Asher Foundation. Abridged versions of full texts are discouraged.
The proof pages of the final layout where quotations and texts appear must be submitted for approval to the Michael Asher Foundation prior to production for verification of accuracy.
Although the Michael Asher Archive is currently closed to research while being
processed, the Foundation may, at its discretion, make selected materials available to qualified researchers by special arrangement.
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